将地理 JSON 要素属性添加到地图框弹出窗口

Adding geoJSON feature attributes to mapbox popup

本文关键字:地图 窗口 添加 属性 JSON      更新时间:2023-09-26

我希望在地图上的每个书店标记中添加一个带有geoJSON属性的弹出窗口。我在 marker.bindpopup 方法中使用了"layer.feature.properties.name",但返回"未定义"。

L.mapbox.accessToken = 'jk.eyJ1IjsdkjfhskjdfhksdskdjflWNCJ9.Ov2O5PtskdljfsdR0lq3Q';
var map = L.mapbox.map('map', 'example.kks3kec4')
    .setView([38.633, -90.319],12);
//add cafe, books store, and university geoJSON layers with styling
var bookStore = L.mapbox.featureLayer()
    //wait for the layer to be "on", or "loaded", to use a function that will setIcon with an L.icon object
    .on('ready', function(layer) {
        this.eachLayer(function(marker) {
                'marker-color': '#BA1A1A',
                'marker-symbol': "library",
                'description': "book store"
            //when layer.feature is within the popup, it returns "undefined"
            marker.bindPopup("<p>" + layer.feature.properties.name + "</p>");


marker.bindPopup("<p>" + layer.feature.properties.name + "</p>");


marker.bindPopup("<p>" + marker.feature.properties.name + "</p>");