
How to get sexagesimal on google maps, and cacluate distance between two sexagecimal?

本文关键字:数字 距离 之间 两个 谷歌地图 获取 计算      更新时间:2023-09-26



# You have decimal degrees (-73.9874°) instead of degrees, minutes, and seconds (-73° 59’ 14.64")
# The whole units of degrees will remain the same (-73.9874° longitude, start with 73°)
# Multiply the decimal by 60 (0.9874 * 60 = 59.244)
# The whole number becomes the minutes (59’)
# Take the remaining decimal and multiply by 60. (0.244 * 60 = 14.64)
# The resulting number becomes the seconds (14.64"). Seconds can remain as a decimal.
# Take your three sets of numbers and put them together, using the symbols for degrees (°), minutes (’), and seconds (") (-73° 59’ 14.64" longitude)
