
Text not displaying in right order

本文关键字:顺序 显示 文本      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正在尝试让 JSON 数据显示在段落中,但在不同日期获取的数据之间有一个分隔符。

function getAllLogs(emId) {
    $.getJSON('datafile.json', function(data) {
        $("#" + emId).html("All logs:<br>");
        var firstDateDisplayed = false;
        $.each(data, function(index, value) {
            //Only displays dates once, then all log sheets for that date
            if (firstDateDisplayed === false ||
                data[index-1].log_sheet.time !== value.log_sheet.time) {
                $("#" + emId).append("<br>----------------<br>");
                //Formats and appends date to a paragraph
                getLogDate(emId, index);
                firstDateDisplayed = true;
            //Formats and appends time to a paragraph
            getLogTime(emId, index);
            //Formats and appends all data to a paragraph
            getLogData(emId, index);


All logs:
Date 1
Time 1
Data 1
Time 2
Data 2
Time 3
Data 3
Date 2
Time 4
Data 4
Time 5
Data 5


Date 1
Time 1
Data 1
Time 2
Data 2
Time 3
Data 3
Date 2
Time 4
Data 4
Time 5
Data 5

示例 JSON 数据:

        "log_sheet": {
        "log_sheet": {



//Gets, formats and displays the time for the current log sheet in the 
//header of a collapsible menu or paragraph
function getLogTime(emId, logNum) {
    //Accesses the JSON file
$.getJSON('datafile.json', function(data) {
    //Takes only the part of the string that corresponds to time
    var time = data[logNum].log_sheet.measured_at_time.substring(11,16);
    //Formats time to 12 hour clock according to the hour
    switch (time.substring(0, 2))
    case "00":
        //Changes 00 to 12 and adds am
        time = time.replace(/00/, "12") + " am";
    case "01":
    case "02":
    case "03":
    case "04":
    case "05":
    case "06":
    case "07":
    case "08":
    case "09":
        //Removes extra 0 and adds am
        time = time.replace(/0/, "") + " am";
    case "10":
    case "11":
        //Adds am
        time += " am";
    case "12":
        //Adds pm
        time += " pm";
    case "13":
        //Replaces 13 with 1 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/13/, "1") + " pm"
    case "14":
        //Replaces 14 with 2 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/14/, "2") + " pm";
    case "15":
        //Replaces 15 with 3 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/15/, "3") + " pm";
    case "16":
        //Replaces 16 with 4 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/16/, "4") + " pm";
    case "17":
        //Replaces 17 with 5 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/17/, "5") + " pm";
    case "18":
        //Replaces 18 with 6 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/18/, "6") + " pm";
    case "19":
        //Replaces 19 with 7 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/19/, "7") + " pm";
    case "20":
        //Replaces 20 with 8 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/20/, "8") + " pm";
    case "21":
        //Replaces 21 with 9 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/21/, "9") + " pm";
    case "22":
        //Replaces 22 with 10 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/22/, "10") + " pm";
    case "23":
        //Replaces 23 with 11 and adds pm
        time = time.replace(/23/, "11") + " pm";
    //Uses only a portion of the string to accommodate possible future
    if (emId.substring(0,4) === "time") {
        //Sets text in header to time
    $("#" + emId + " .ui-btn-text").html(time);
    } else {
        //For displaying all of the logs
    $("#" + emId).append(time + "<br>");

问题是,当你使用 $.getJSON() 获得更多数据时,你使用的是异步的 AJAX。这意味着脚本不会停止等待调用完成,而是继续执行。由于从服务器检索数据时存在延迟,但会立即打印分隔符,因此数据始终在分隔符之后打印。

一个简单的解决方法是为主循环中的数据保留容器,这样 AJAX 调用何时完成就无关紧要了。

function getAllLogs(emId) {
    $.getJSON('datafile.json', function(data) {
        var $emId = $( '#' + emId );  // cache the main container
        $("#" + emId).html("All logs:<br>");
        var firstDateDisplayed = false;
        $.each(data, function(index, value) {
            //Only displays dates once, then all log sheets for that date
            if (firstDateDisplayed === false ||
                data[index-1].log_sheet.time !== value.log_sheet.time) {
                // create a container for the date and have getLogDate() fill it later
                $emId.append( '<div id="'+emId+'Date'+index+'"></div>' );
                getLogDate(emId+'Date'+index, index);
                firstDateDisplayed = true;
            // do the same to the rest of the functions as we did above for getLogDate()
            $emId.append( '<div id="'+emId+'Time'+index+'"></div>' );
            $emId.append( '<div id="'+emId+'Data'+index+'"></div>' );
            getLogTime(emId+'Time'+index, index);
            getLogData(emId+'Data'+index, index);


var json = [
    "log_sheet": {
    "log_sheet": {
    "log_sheet": {
    "log_sheet": {

console.log("All logs:");
$.each(json, function(index, value) {
  if(index == 0 || (index > 0 && json[index-1].log_sheet.time !== value.log_sheet.time))
  console.log("Date " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.date);
  console.log("Time " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.time);
  console.log("Data " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.data);


All logs:
Date 0: 2012-07-27T00:00:00-06:00
Time 0: 2000-01-01T02:15:00Z
Data 0: 4
Date 1: 2012-07-27T00:00:00-06:00
Time 1: 2000-01-01T02:15:00Z
Data 1: 4
Date 2: 2012-07-27T00:00:00-06:00
Time 2: 2000-01-01T02:15:00Z
Data 2: 4
Date 3: 2012-07-27T00:00:00-06:00
Time 3: 2000-01-01T02:17:00Z
Data 3: 4


function getAllLogs(emId) {
    $.getJSON('datafile.json', function(data) {
        var $output = $("#" + emId);
        $output.html("All logs:<br>");
        $.each(data, function(index, value) {
            //Only displays dates once, then all log sheets for that date
            if(index == 0 || (index > 0 && json[index-1].log_sheet.time !== value.log_sheet.time))
                //Formats and appends date to a paragraph
                //getLogDate(emId, index);
                $output.append("Date " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.time +"<br/>");
            //Formats and appends time to a paragraph
            //getLogTime(emId, index);
            $output.append("Time " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.time +"<br/>");
            //Formats and appends all data to a paragraph
            //getLogData(emId, index);
            $output.append("Data " + index + ": " + value.log_sheet.data +"<br/>");


function getAllLogs(elementId)
    $.getJSON('datafile.json', function(data)
        var logElement = $('#' + elementId).append('All logs:<br />');
        var lastLogDateDisplayed = null;
        $.each(data, function(index, value)
            // check if we've reached another date
            if (lastLogDateDisplayed != value.log_sheet.date)
                // update the last shown date, and select its html
                lastLogDateDisplayed = value.log_sheet.date;
                logElement.append('----------------<br />');
            // select the time and data as html strings

这里有一些值得注意的明确改进。首先,我们只选择一次elementId元素。这将我们的选择器的性能从之前的 1 + 4n 命中率提高到 1 .此外,因此,getLogDategetLogTimegetLogData不接受value(即当前日志项),并返回一个 dom 或 jQuery 对象以附加到日志元素本身。
