
Modify an element on-the-fly so it matches a given selector

本文关键字:选择器 修改 元素 一个 动态      更新时间:2023-09-26


<div class="some-class"></div>




  • 添加id mydiv
  • 添加类superanother-class
  • 添加值为true的属性some-attribute


<div class="some-class super another-class" id="mydiv" some-attribute="true"></div>










var selectorData = parseSelector('#my-id.class-one.class-two[attr-one="value-one"]');
selectorData.id //my-id
selectorData.classes //class-one class-two
selectorData.attributes["attr-one"] //value



// create a jQuery plug-in, 'makeMatch()' and pass a selector
// string as an argument:
(function ($) {
    $.fn.makeMatch = function (selector) {
        // finding a string of one or more alphanumeric characters,
        // underscores and hyphens that starts with the '#' character,
        // using String.prototype.match() with a regular expression:
        var id = selector.match(/#['w-]+/),
            // similar to the above, though this string starts with a
            // period (escaped with a back-slash because the period
            // is a special character in regular expressions), using
            // the 'g' (global) flag to retrieve all matching
            // sequences:
            classes = selector.match(/'.['w-]+/g),
            // this string looks for strings starting with a '['
            // (again escaped because it's a special character) and
            // continuing until it matches a character that is *not*
            // ']':
            attributeValuePairs = selector.match(/'[[^']]+/g);
        // if we have an 'id' sequence:
        if (id) {
            // assigning the found id sequence to the id variable
            // (preventing us from accessing a property of a null
            // object) after replacing the leading '#' character
            // with an empty string:
            id = id[0].replace(/^#/,'');
        // iterating over the passed-in jQuery object, 'this' (here)
        // is the collection of nodes:
        return this.each(function () {
            // caching the current node found in the collection:
            var self = this;
            // if we have an id (it's not null):
            if (id) {
                // setting the id to that matched-id:
                self.id = id;
            // if we have an array of classes:
            if (classes) {
                // adding the classes from the array, by joining
                // each class-string together with spaces and replacing
                // the period characters (though we could simply do:
                // classes.replace(/'./g,' ') instead):
                $(self).addClass(classes.join(' ').replace(/'./g, ''));
            if (attributeValuePairs) {
                // creating a variable to avoid re-initialising a
                // variable within the forEach():
                var av;
                attributeValuePairs.forEach(function(avp) {
                    // replacing the initial '[' character from
                    // each element of the array with an empty string
                    // and splitting that string on the '=' character
                    // to form a two-part array (if a '=' character
                    // is found):
                    av = avp.replace(/^'[/, '').split('=');
                    // if we do have a two-part array:
                    if (av.length === 2) {
                      // setting the attribute held in 'av[0]' with
                      // the value held in 'av[1]' (after replacing
                      // any quotes held in that string):
                      self.setAttribute(av[0], av[1].replace(/"|'/g, ''));

(function($) {
  $.fn.makeMatch = function(selector) {
    var id = selector.match(/#['w-]+/),
      classes = selector.match(/'.['w-]+/g),
      attributeValuePairs = selector.match(/'[[^']]+/g);
    if (id) {
      id = id[0].replace(/^#/,'');
    return this.each(function() {
      var self = this;
      if (id) {
        self.id = id;
      if (classes) {
        $(self).addClass(classes.join(' ').replace(/'./g, ''));
      if (attributeValuePairs) {
        var av;
        attributeValuePairs.forEach(function(avp) {
          av = avp.replace(/^'[/, '').split('=');
          if (av.length === 2) {
            self.setAttribute(av[0], av[1].replace(/"|'/g, ''));
div {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
#mydiv.super.another-class[some-attribute="true"] {
  border: 2px solid red;
  background: transparent url(http://lorempixel.com/200/200/nightlife) 50% 50% no-repeat;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="some-class"></div>



  • JavaScript:
    • Array.prototype.forEach()
    • Array.prototype.join()
    • CCD_ 10
    • JavaScript正则表达式指南
    • CCD_ 11
    • String.prototype.replace()
  • jQuery:
    • addClass()
    • each()
    • "如何创建一个基本的[jQuery]插件。"


$.fn.makeMatch = function(ids, classes, attr) {
    this.attr('id', ids).addClass(classes).attr(attr);
    return this;


$('div').makeMatch('firstComesOneId', 'then classes seperated by space', {'data-arrayKey1' : 'value1', 'data-arrayKey2' : 'value2'})


<div id="firstComesOneId" class="then classes seperated by space" data-arrayKey1="value1" data-arrayKey2="value2">



    $.fn.stringToObject = function(values) {
    var selectorData = [];
    var start_posID = values.indexOf('#') + 1;
    var end_posID = values.indexOf('.',start_posID);
    selectorData['id'] = values.substring(start_posID,end_posID);

    var classSplit = values.split('.');
    var classLength = classSplit.length -1;
    var attrSplit = values.match(/'[/g);
    var attrLength = attrSplit.length;

    var start_posClass = end_posID;
    var end_posClass = values.indexOf('[',start_posClass);
    var stringClass = values.substring(start_posClass, end_posClass);
    selectorData['classes'] = stringClass.replace(/'./g, " ");
    for (var i = 0; i <= attrLength; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            var start = values.indexOf('[') + 1;
        } else if(i == attrLength) {
            start = nextstart -1;
        } else {
            start = nextstart +2;

        var end                 = values.indexOf(']',start);
        var newstring           = values.substring(start, end);
        var nextstart           = end;
        var newstringLength     = newstring.length;
        var firstPartOffset     = newstring.indexOf('=');
        var firstPart           = newstring.substring(0, firstPartOffset);
        var secondPart          = newstring.substring(firstPartOffset +1, newstringLength);
        selectorData[firstPart] = secondPart;

    return selectorData;


var valueArray = $( "div" ).stringToObject('#mydiv.super.another-class[some-attribute1="true"][some-attribute2="truesdsda"][some-attribute3="trueasd"][some-attribute4="true"][some-attribute5="truedfg"]');
console.log(valueArray); // gives you everything
console.log(valueArray.id); // = gives you the id
console.log(valueArray.classes); // = gives you the classes
console.log(valueArray['some-attribute5']); // = gives you the value from some-attribute5



