如何在 JavaScript 和 HTML 中更改对输入框的提示响应

How to change prompt responses to input boxes in JavaScript and HTML

本文关键字:输入 响应 提示 JavaScript HTML      更新时间:2023-09-26
                         Long Detailed Question

我在下面放了一部分代码。这是我正在开发的一个小JavaScript游戏。当游戏想要了解某些内容或从用户那里获取文本输入时,我会使用 prompt 命令,您可能知道它会弹出一个警报框,显示一些文本并让用户提交文本响应。我想知道如何更改它,因此屏幕上没有弹出一个警报框,而只是一个输入框,可以接受他们的文本响应。我认为所需的代码要么是JQuery(我没有太多经验(要么是JavaScript。

                          Short Summarized Question


var finishAnt = prompt(
                 "you can either risk your life and finish him, or try to run away. Do you finish him?").toLowerCase()
             if (finishAnt == "yes") {
                 console.log("congratulations you have killed the aint eater!")
             } else if (finishAnt == "no") {
                     "You run away and barley make it, you are badly hurt");
             } else {
                 console.log("sorry thats not an option")
         } else if (meetAnt == "no") {
                 "You run past the ant eater and get to saftey. You are very lucky")
         } else {
             console.log("Sorry that is not an option.")

你可以使用 Jquery 来做到这一点,或者你可以使用 document.getElementsByTagName('input').value ,将其分配给一个变量,并采取相应的行动。就像如果用户对第一个选择"是"一样,输入框的值将设置为布尔值:true或字符串:yes。然后获取这些值并根据结果显示一条消息。


alert()prompt()confirm() Javascript 函数的独特之处在于它们阻止脚本的执行,直到对话框被关闭。基本上,Javascript中的所有其他方法,包括允许您操作和响应HTML页面中事件的DOM方法,都是非阻塞的 - 也就是说,它们必须立即执行,并且不能等待事件发生。


var state;
function print(msg) {
  document.getElementById("output").innerText = msg;
function takeInput() {
  var input = document.getElementById("input").value;
  if (state == "which-door") {
    if (input == "left") {
      print("You open the left door and fall into a bottomless pit. What now?");
      state = "bottomless-pit";
    } else if(input == "right") {
      print("You open the right door and find yourself lost outdoors...");
      state = "outdoors";
    } else {
      print("That isn't a door. Which door do you open?");
      state = "which-door";
  } else if (state == "bottomless-pit") {
    print("You're still falling down a bottomless pit...");
    state = "bottomless-pit";
  } else if (state == "outdoors") {
    print("Now you're back at those two doors again. Left or right?");
    state = "which-door";
  // ... etc ...
// Make the "go" element call the takeInput() method when clicked
document.getElementById("go").addEventListener("click", takeInput);
// Start out in the "which-door" state and display an introduction:
state = "which-door";
print("Do you open the left door or the right door?");
<div id="output"></div>
  <input id="input" size="40">
  <button id="go">Go</button>



我不认为你可以修改JS预设,但你可以在Visual Basic(TEXT/VBSCRIPT(中制作它们的模型。

尝试使用 CSS 制作一个假的弹出窗口。这将使它看起来真实。或者嵌入 PNG。但请注意。嵌入 PNG 可能会导致用户拖动它并发现它是假的。尝试使用 Animate.CSS 让它以 Windows 方式弹出。